"Daisy! my sweet little child, here come's your butterscotch cake!" my mother said proudly.
I admired the cake in glee, but I could only admire it only for a few seconds before happiness was taken from me once again.
One of my "dearest friends" blew out the candles that I was supposed to blow. I was heartbroken. I wiped a single tear thinking "Oh god, this is going to get worse..."
My parents came out with my gift. This part I get a teeny bit happier, no one can take happiness away from me. Not even my friends.
Both of my parents come beside me on each side and kneel down. They give me "A box?" I thought to myself once again. Things are getting weird.
I open the box, a yellow bow. "Huh?"
That small bow would not be able to fit me! I look up to my dad and he gives me a cheeky grin. He goes into his room and grabs something.
I was shocked. No way they got me a Golden Retriever puppy! I could feel warm, this was a feeling I had never experienced before. I wave to my new friend... I couldn't believe it!
My dad hands me over my puppy. Her silk like fur touched my skin smoothly. I noticed her collar, it was yellow. I knew what I was going to name her!
"Do you like the name Mello?" I questioned my puppy.
She wagged her tail furiously.
"Mello it is then!" I said laughing.
Mello started licking my face, I started to giggle. This was a new chapter in my life.
My dad stood up and got his camera. I grinned like I was the happiest person on Earth, which I was. I got the bow from the box and put it on the front of Mello's collar so it would look like a bowtie. Mello looked so adorable!
My mum later put that picture on the shelf where all of mum's Chinese antique stuff was kept. The picture must be pretty dear to her if she put the picture on HER special shelf. I'm glad she likes Mello.
Every month on the same date (the 19th) just before my birthday party we would mark mine and Mello's height on the wall. On the 19th (my birthday) we got Mello. So it would make sense for it to be the 19th.
Mello was growing fairly quickly. I didn't like the thought of her leaving one day, I would usually try and focus on the bright side. We would get her a new bed nearly every year. Mello would chew all her toys to the point they were cracked/broken.
Our annual height marking day kept on going until I was nearly a young adult and Mello an adult! I had Mello learn new tricks every now and then, although I wasn't a professional dog trainer I considered myself pretty good.
School. I hated school. I was trying new clubs out nearly every day. I decided to join the Soccer/Football club. I always get practice because of Mello and I sometimes find myself watching soccer/football tricks. It's quite entertaining.
I recently had joined the "X's". A cheerleading team in my school every girl was dying to be a part of. It was the selection day. All the girls went out in the field and sat on the bleachers. The captains (Brittany and Maddie) started picking who they wanted to be on their team. I just smiled at the people who got picked. I knew I would be last. I always am. I ended up getting chosen but only for a trial. Really?
When it was time for the group photo I kneeled down in the centre, but this girl pushed me away. I tried staying as far as I could from those girls but the photographer noticed and told me to join them and smile. I did as I was instructed. I smiled, my teeth showing. They all made fun of my braces. They're just braces... I don't know why it's a big deal.
I went home upset. I plumped right onto the sofa. Mello was trying to get in, I opened the door for her. I just smiled at her but after a while it got awkward, I started to giggle. Nothing would cheer me up more than Mello and her tricks. I got up and grabbed her toy and did my thing. Sunny wasn't happy. I started rubbing her tummy hoping she'd at least wag her tail. She didn't.
8 months had gone by, It was now late August of 1984. We started noticing that Mello had been under the cloud recently. We took her to the vet to discover Mello had "Parvovirus". A highly contagious infection that can kill dogs. We swiftly took Mello to the vet... she was vomiting so much I couldn't even look at her.
4 months had passed, it was now Christmas Eve. I went back home today and slumped myself onto the couch once again. Mello came up to me and licked my face, it didn't feel the same. She looked and felt dehydrated. I gave Mello some water and hoped she would feel better.
Later that evening I went back to check on Mello, she was laying down, staring at me breathlessly. A wave of panic passed over me, is Mello alright? I screamed for dad hoping he could hear me. My dad grabbed Mello and took her to the car.
We laid Mello down and waited for the nurse to show up. I knew this day was coming. I had to be sent out because dad had to talk to the nurse. I was in invited back inside as he told me the devastating news. I had been dreading this moment since the day I got her. But I knew this would be the best for Mello. She'd be much happier.
We had to put Mello down. She looked at me with her light brown eyes... she looked so tired. I was happy for her, her pain would end. I took the yellow bow off her collar as she was being taken down. I was left in the room crying.
Years later - Daisy is now a grown up
It was now Poppy's (my daughter) birthday. I had gotten her a Ruby bracelet. Her grandpa (my dad) got her a surprise. I was just as excited as her, my dad was full of surprises! He went into my room and got a Golden Labrador! My story was full of Yellow but Poppy's is going to be full of Red!

4 months had passed, it was now Christmas Eve. I went back home today and slumped myself onto the couch once again. Mello came up to me and licked my face, it didn't feel the same. She looked and felt dehydrated. I gave Mello some water and hoped she would feel better.
Later that evening I went back to check on Mello, she was laying down, staring at me breathlessly. A wave of panic passed over me, is Mello alright? I screamed for dad hoping he could hear me. My dad grabbed Mello and took her to the car.
We laid Mello down and waited for the nurse to show up. I knew this day was coming. I had to be sent out because dad had to talk to the nurse. I was in invited back inside as he told me the devastating news. I had been dreading this moment since the day I got her. But I knew this would be the best for Mello. She'd be much happier.
We had to put Mello down. She looked at me with her light brown eyes... she looked so tired. I was happy for her, her pain would end. I took the yellow bow off her collar as she was being taken down. I was left in the room crying.
Years later - Daisy is now a grown up
It was now Poppy's (my daughter) birthday. I had gotten her a Ruby bracelet. Her grandpa (my dad) got her a surprise. I was just as excited as her, my dad was full of surprises! He went into my room and got a Golden Labrador! My story was full of Yellow but Poppy's is going to be full of Red!