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Showing posts with label Share. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Reaching My Goals

                       Reaching My Goals
About 1 month ago we wrote down some goals that we wanted to achieve this term. We all had to choose 3, these are mine.

1. I ask for help when I don’t understand what to - When I don't ask for help it takes me longer to complete the work I am given. So I really feel like I should ask for help more. 

2. I am a curious learner - I ask questions. - I don't really ask many questions in class. I feel like I should really work on that.

3. I share my ideas and point of view with different people. - I don't really like socialize with people I am not really used to. I feel like I should work on socializing more.


Have I met these goals yet? Actually I am doing pretty good with the "I ask for help when I don't understand what to do" one. The other 2...not so much. Hopefully I get into student council that will help boost my socializing skills.

Monday, March 4, 2019


Hi! If you saw my blog last Thursday you would've known that we made scones for science. Today (Monday) we finally got to try them!
 Here is chart of what types of scones we made, the taste, the colour and the size.







WhitePasty but good40 mm


BrownDisgusting, Vile!35 mm


White with brown dotsScrumptious45 mm

Even though the baking soda scone tasted vile I enjoyed the other ones. My favourite part was kneading the dough for the scones. Most of the scones were pretty good. The lemonade was my personal favourite. Next time I would make different types of scones, like a sugar scone. I thought my scones would come out golden-brown but they were mostly a cream colour or white.Baking scones was really fun and I hope we do more baking in Science.

Thursday, February 28, 2019



Aim: To look at different kitchen ingredients in scones and their effects.

Today for Science we made scones! We had to make 3 scones, but 1 had to be a normal scone (Recipe below) and the other 2 each had to have different ingredients.

1/2 cup Edmonds standard flour
1 tsp Edmonds baking powder  or 1 tsp baking soda                            
2 tsp butter
1/4 cup milk, approximately or 1/4 cup lemonade.

The recipes my group chose were:
1. Normal
2. With Baking Soda
3. With Lemonade

Our Baking Soda scone turned out to be dry when we started to knead the mixture together.
Here is our final result.

Our Lemonade scone turned out to be very sticky when we started to knead it together. We kept adding flouring in the end it was the perfect mixture.
Here is our final result.



1. Plate
2. Milk
3. Cup
4. Flour
5. Spoon
6. Bowl
7. Baking Powder/Baking Soda

Step 1: Go to Mr.Palmer and get your mixture.
Step 2: Go back to your table and start mixing.
Step 3: When your mixing is done put your mixture onto a plate.
Step 4: Now knead your mixture together.

Step 5: Shape your dough into a scone shape.
Step 6: When your shaping is done go to Mr.Palmer and put your piece of paper and the dough on the tray.

These are some extra photos we took while we were making our mixture!

(This post will be updated next week)

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Colourful Skittles


Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.


1. Skittles
2. Water
3. Petri dish


Step 1: Get your petri dish 
Step 2: Now get your skittles (Put them in the petri dish in a star shape! If you don't the effect won't be as good).
Step 3: Now get some water and pour it in the petri dish. (Also make sure that you don't drown the skittles in water).

Findings: Me and my group started off with 5 skittles (They were in a rainbow order. You can put the skittles in any colour order you want but different colours look more nicer). Then we put them in a star shape, then we re-ordered them in a rainbow order. Finally we put the water in the petri dish and watched the result!

What did the colours do? The colours all come to the middle of the petri dish. At the end they mix together. Our final colour turned out to be Orange.
Did the colours mix together? Yes, the colours do mix a tiny bit when coming into the middle. They all mix at the end.


I actually really enjoyed this experiment because we got to learn about Chromatography! I had never really learned about Chromatography before and enjoyed learning about it. We also got to eat the skittles at the end! I also learnt that when the experiment has ended you should NOT drink the water. 

Monday, February 25, 2019

Chromatography - Rainbow paper - Science


Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.

Definition: A technique for separating the different parts of a mixture / solid using liquid.

Name of experiment: Rainbow paper


1. Chromatography paper
2.  A cup
3. Green felt pen
4. Red felt pen
5. Black felt pen
6. Ruler
7. Water


Step 1: Get your Chromatography paper and draw 1, 2 cm line near on end of the paper.

Step 2: On the other end draw a 1 cm line
Step 3: On the 1 cm line draw a black dot, a green dot and a red dot. Make sure they're not too big/little.

Here is an example: (You can barley see the 2cm line the next step will tell you why).

Step 4: Fold the 2 cm line
Step 5: Get your cup and fill it with water
Step 6: Next put your piece of paper in the cup.
Make sure the water JUST reaches the dots.

Findings: I found out that the colours move quite quickly at first but slow down afterwards. You have to be patient and careful for this experiment.

Reflection: What have I learnt from this experiment? I learnt that  Chromatography is a thing! I had never heard of it before, and learning about it was pretty cool.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Performing to an audience! (Drama)

                   Performing to an audience!

Today for drama we were split into groups of 4. We had to make a little performance on healthy food. My group made a quick performance with a little big of choreography included. 


We also did drama on Tuesday. On Tuesday we also did a performance but that performance had to be all about fruits. My groups performance was quite good (According to my group).

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Disgusting Brown Water! (Science)

                                Disgusting Brown Water!

                                             (Dirty Water experiment)

For Science this afternoon we were finally in the lab! We did an experiment! Our first one in the lab in fact. The experiment was called "Dirty Water experiment". It was where we had to filter out the brown and disgusting water into clean water. 

Today was all about "Filtration"

Filtration means to filter something.

Here are some examples of things that filter stuff
1. Kidney
2. Tea bags
3. Swimming pool


Want to do the experiment we did?

Here is what you will need..

1. A plastic bottle (A type that you can cut into).
2. Sand
3. Pebbles
4. Dirty water
5. Filter Paper 
6. Scissors 
7. A cup
8. Craft Scissors   

1. Cut the bottle with a craft knife.
2. Put the top half upside down into the bottom half of the bottle.
3. Add layers of filter paper inside the top half of the bottle, (Filter paper should be folded in quarters. When folded unfold to make a cone shape).
4. Get 1 cup of sand and put it in through the filter paper (make sure it doesn't fall to the bottom!)
5. Now 1 cup of pebbles and put them on top the sand. 
6. Now get 1 cup of dirty water 
7. Put the dirty water in the bottle
8. Make sure the water is coming out slowly!


Some helpful tips to make the outcome better! 

 1. Fold the filter paper 2-3 times for clearer water

2. When its time to put the sand in put the sand in the folded filter paper and push it down to make the water clearer.


This is our groups final product! Our water was the clearest out of all the groups.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Salty Water! (Science)

This is the chart me and my friend Risha did.
I truly have to give most credit to Risha.
This chart is about the Salt and Water experiment.

What do we need to find out? An experiment that tests the amount of salt that must be in water before it will not freeze when left overnight in the freezer.
How will we find it out? We will find out by following all the steps and experimenting the experiment.
How will we record what we find? We will record by taking photos and writing statements about the experiment.
What equipment do we need for the experiment? For this experiment we need
1. A cup
2. Water
3. Beakers
4. Tablespoon
5. Salt
6. A Freezer
7. Measuring spoons/cups
How long will it take? This experiment will take 5 minutes to make. The experiment should be done by 10-11 hours.


Comment if you have any feedback.

Artist Data - Math

                                        Artist Data

For Maths this afternoon we had to make graphs. The graphs could be about anything. We had to collect data from our class mates.
Me and my friend Risha decided to join up together. Together we did one about Artists.

Here is the outcome..

Friday, February 15, 2019

Too Much Drama!

                                 Too Much Drama!

For drama last session we made a 30 second video clip. Through these videos we had to explain the 4 dimensions of Hauora (Social well-being, Physical well-being, Spiritual well-being and Mental/Emotional well-being). 
This is a whole compilation of all the videos made by the groups.
In Risha's video Risha is telling us to be healthy by drinking water.
Comment if you have any feedback.
Hope you enjoy!  

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Planning Our Steps - Science


                                     Planning Our Steps

Today for Science we got a planning sheet. We had to write down step by step what happened when we did the 'Baking soda and Vinegar experiment'.
We had to put everything in order from the bottom to the top explaining how everything went down.
Its all about getting a cup and the reaction
Here is my plan:

Monday, February 11, 2019

All About Me

                                All About Me

My name is Shreya.
I am 11 years old.
I am born in New Zealand.
My favourite colours are Orange and Blue.
I am a girl.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

My "CARR Values" PowToon

Hey guys,
 This is my "CARR Values" PowToon! This is Part 1 of 4.
Comment if you have any feedback (: