
Showing posts with label Scones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scones. Show all posts

Monday, March 4, 2019


Hi! If you saw my blog last Thursday you would've known that we made scones for science. Today (Monday) we finally got to try them!
 Here is chart of what types of scones we made, the taste, the colour and the size.







WhitePasty but good40 mm


BrownDisgusting, Vile!35 mm


White with brown dotsScrumptious45 mm

Even though the baking soda scone tasted vile I enjoyed the other ones. My favourite part was kneading the dough for the scones. Most of the scones were pretty good. The lemonade was my personal favourite. Next time I would make different types of scones, like a sugar scone. I thought my scones would come out golden-brown but they were mostly a cream colour or white.Baking scones was really fun and I hope we do more baking in Science.

Thursday, February 28, 2019



Aim: To look at different kitchen ingredients in scones and their effects.

Today for Science we made scones! We had to make 3 scones, but 1 had to be a normal scone (Recipe below) and the other 2 each had to have different ingredients.

1/2 cup Edmonds standard flour
1 tsp Edmonds baking powder  or 1 tsp baking soda                            
2 tsp butter
1/4 cup milk, approximately or 1/4 cup lemonade.

The recipes my group chose were:
1. Normal
2. With Baking Soda
3. With Lemonade

Our Baking Soda scone turned out to be dry when we started to knead the mixture together.
Here is our final result.

Our Lemonade scone turned out to be very sticky when we started to knead it together. We kept adding flouring in the end it was the perfect mixture.
Here is our final result.



1. Plate
2. Milk
3. Cup
4. Flour
5. Spoon
6. Bowl
7. Baking Powder/Baking Soda

Step 1: Go to Mr.Palmer and get your mixture.
Step 2: Go back to your table and start mixing.
Step 3: When your mixing is done put your mixture onto a plate.
Step 4: Now knead your mixture together.

Step 5: Shape your dough into a scone shape.
Step 6: When your shaping is done go to Mr.Palmer and put your piece of paper and the dough on the tray.

These are some extra photos we took while we were making our mixture!

(This post will be updated next week)