
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Diffusion of Potassium Permanganate

Hello! Welcome back to another Wednesday Science period! Today we did a little experiment resonating with diffusion, here's what I used!



Petri Dish

KMn04 (Potassium)

Cold & Hot water

Question: Does temperature speed up or slow down Diffusion?

Result/Observation: Crystal in the hot water grew and expanded 2x the size of the crystal in the cold water. Why? The particles in the hot water are moving faster than the particles in the cold water, which means that diffusion will happen quicker. 

Conclusion: The experiment was interesting because that was the first time I had seen something like that. It was also cool to see the effect the different temperatures of water would have on the potassium permanganate.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Last Card, Connect 4, and Twister! - Health

 Ciao! I hope you've all had a great day!

In Health for the past few lessons, we've been playing various games such as Operation, Uno, Pick-up sticks, and Guess Who. We played in groups with our friends. 

While we were playing we showed our interpersonal skills by being inclusive of others and letting people join in with us. In a game like 'Guess Who' we showed our active listening skills but carefully asking relevant questions. And, while playing something like Uno we had to negotiate and compromise whenever someone wouldn't agree with our rules and opinions. 

To be honest these last few lessons had been fun because we got to engage with students we might not be familiar with talking to. Also, I got to learn some new games and new ways people play certain games. 

Do you want to know more about Interpersonal Skills and why they're important in daily life? Click the link!

Monday, June 14, 2021

Rising Water

Hello! Today is a Monday, and maybe if you've been reading my blogs you may have noticed that on Mondays, I have Science! We're going to have a special experiment on Wednesday this week (something to do with dry ice!) so be on the lookout for a blog about that.

Anyway, let's talk about today. We just did a small experiment in which we had the following materials...



Petrie dish (or a bowl/plate works fine too)




What was our aim?

To see what happens to the water level when the candle is covered


I predict that the gas from the fire will just form an interesting looking pattern.

Something that looks similar to this.

What is happening inside the cup?

Essentially the flame of the candle is consuming the oxygen.  As you can in the picture above, it talks about high pressure and low pressure. While the cup is on the flame, the pressure is high, and when you release the cup, the air gets cold and that's what causes low pressure. So basically the air is expanding and the water is contracting.  When you do the experiment, you can see tiny bubbles escaping under the cup which shows that the increased air pressure from the heated air as the candle burns. Once the candle runs out of oxygen, the candle burns out and the remaining air inside cools down.


As soon as we covered the lit candle with the cup the water started to rise a little, maybe even bubble before the candle went out in less than a few seconds. Not much happened in today's experiment but like I mentioned earlier, this was just a small one for today.

Here's a video you could check out of someone do this experiment so you can visually see what we did!