Kia Ora! Today I'll be sharing with you the work that I did for Health. We had to pick a topic out of Gender issues in sport, discrimination or racism, drugs on the mind & body, obesity, addiction on the mind & body, effects of gaming on the mind & body, steroids in sports, illness (any), effects of social media on the mind, brain development during teenage years/neuroscience, coping strategies in practice, binge drinking, mental health/the mind and vaping.
We also had to make something digital or on paper that we could use to present our work. I decided to create a collage!
I chose to do my work on how marijuana affects our bodies. I could have done a drug that wasn't as common but, I see so many people these days smoking weed and I just wanted myself and others to know the pros and cons before they end up doing something they regret.
Do you support the use of marijuana? Why or why not? Let me know in the comments!
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, I hope you're all staying safe during lockdown.