
Monday, November 29, 2021

Connected Creativity - Debate

Kia ora! Recently all the year 9s at Hornby High School chose what passion projects they wanted to do till the end of the year. The 3 passions that I chose are forensics, debate and cultural narratives. Today, I'm going to be telling you all that I've been doing in debate recently. 

We started off simple by playing a game where our teacher would say a statement and we would have to move around the room depending on how we felt about it. For example, our teacher gave the statement "All zoos should be closed", I went to the space that represented, basically a slight no. Zoos are filled with majestic creatures usually from all over the world, people have a chance to see and visit them and learn new information.

In my first debate, I was nervous, but since it was a practice debate I felt a little at ease. I got the topic "All zoos should be closed" once again. Only this time I got to delve deeper into the topic and start doing actual research to prepare for what I'm going to say. In my opinion, my first debate went pretty well! I made eye contact and spoke with a good voice.  Although, something challenging was preparing for a clash, in my first two practice debates I was always the one who spoke first and the one to start the debate off but in my most recent debate, I had to prepare for a clash. 

Debate was a fun experience and I'm looking forward to future debates where we could possibly find out who won and who didn't