Hurumanu - Climate Change
Hi Bloggers! Here is my new Science blog post, this post is all about the effect of Climate Change on our world. Have fun reading!
Climate Change video; The Facts video
What is our greatest threat in thousands of years?
Our greatest threat in thousands of year are:Greater StormsGreater FloodsGreater heats waves Extreme High Sea Level Rise
How do we see climate change affecting the globe?
We can see the Climate Change affecting our globe by the temperature was getting hotter.
What is needed to change history?
We needed to stop making cars because we will burn more fossil fuels than before.
Is climate change a man-made disaster?
Climate change is a man-made disaster because we burned fossil fuels too much and It let out a dangerous Gas which is Carbon dioxide. Carbon Dioxide trap the heat we get from the Sun and that's why the planet is getting hotter and hotter.
Dramatic action must be made in the next __ years to change it?
Answer: 10 years
Why is our climate changing?
Our climate is changing because we're burning too many fossils fuels in order to get energy/power for our cars, trains etc.
What is causing the warming trend of the climate?
The thing that causes the warming trend of the Climate is burning too much fossil fuels.
What is the main problem?
The main problem is that burn too many fossil fuels in order to make energy for our Cars etc.
What are examples of these?
The example effects of Climate change is that animals are dying because they are unable to live with this much heat.
Burning fossil fuels releases what gas?
Burning fossil fuels releases a Carbon Dioxide gas.
How much hotter now is our world?
1°C hotter than it was in industrial times.
What do we call this global warming?
Climate Change
How is this affecting creatures/animals like bats?
They are not able to live because the temperature is getting hotter and hotter caused by Climate Change.
What percentage of species are near extinction?
The percentage of species are near extinction is 88%.
How could this affect the world ecosystems?
It affects the world ecosystem by our animals are slowly going to be extinct. In 2018 in Australia, the weather got hotter about 42°C and the Bats couldn't handle the heat that they are getting and 11 thousand died and they only saved about 350 Bats.
What global change was seen and recording breaking last year?
Our world gets hotter and hotter and it breaks the lasts years record by 1°C. 1°C is enough to melt the snows in the mountains.
How is climate change affecting our weather systems?
1. Extremely strong floods/storms
2. Heavy Heatwaves
3. Powerful rain
What is another effect of climate change?
The other effects of climate change are that the Ice in the mountains is malting because the heat has increased, and the sea level is getting higher.
What will happen if the ice melts in Antarctica and the Arctic?
It will increase the Sea level even more than it is right now.
How does this affect people?
It also affects people by having Wildfires. Last year as the temperature rise there's a broken record of wildfires around the globe; Western US and California. In California, there's a 24 worth Billion of damages.
What other things affect oceans change?
The other things that affect Ocean is that is getting bigger and bigger because they are getting warmer. Over 90% of heat is trapped in our atmosphere and it has been stored in the ocean.
What does to much heat do to the corals?
Too much heat makes Corals die.
Why did some industries not want to stop burning fossil fuels?
Some industries do not want to stop because that's the way they do to produce energy
Stop at 23.39
You can decide on how you would like to do this investigation. Your presentation could be on the blog, slides, or Powerpoint.
Write a definition, upload an image and list where these fossil fuels are mined.
1. Coal
Image result for coal images
Picture of Coal
Coal is one of the fossils fuels and they can be found in almost everywhere around the world. The largest coals can be found in the United States, Russia, China, Australia and India.
2. Oil
Image result for Oil in the ground images
Picture of Oil
Oil is one of the fossils fuels as well. Oil can be found underground and it almost looks like Rocks. Two of the countries that use Oil renewable fossil fuels is Saudi Arabia and Russia.
3. Natural Gas
Natural gas is also one of the renewable fossil fuels. It can be found deep underground just like Oil. Two of the countries that use Natural Gas energy is Algeria and Venezuela.
Write a paragraph and upload an image about each of these renewable energies.
1. Solar
Solar is renewable energy. It can give energies by getting heat from the Sun. Two of the topmost country that uses Solar is Germany (48.4GW) and Japan (63.3GW).
Solar is good to use because first of all, It's renewable because we get heat from the Sun every day and it also decreases the Oil that we use to make energy.
2. Wind
The wind is one of the renewable resources. It is abstract and you can't see it but you can feel it. It is useful, especially If a country has a lot of strong winds. That's why Humans invented Windmill. You get energy from Windmill if the Windmill is spinning because of the strong wind. One of the Top 2 most countries that have Windmills is Canada and France.
3. Wave Power
Wave power is one of the renewable energy sources. How does it work? Well, there's a high-tech device placed on the surface of the ocean. Because the motion of Waves is up and down it gives energy. Two of the countries that used Wave Power is Scotland and Nothern Canada.
4. Hydro
Hydro is a renewable source of energy, and that energy comes from Water. It is electric energy and there's a lot of those like dams and reservoirs. China and Canada are the top 2 countries which have the most of these 2 things.
Write a 6 sentence reflection about what you have learnt about Climate Change and how it is going to effect us.
Climate Change will be very harmful since as the ice is melting in the Arctic regions the sea levels are rising and countries are being submerged under water and people are having to evacuate. And even the bats are dying because of the rough heat waves in Australia. We're losing our animals which keep the Earth more lively and intertwined. We have time, but it's not much. We have to do something.